All logo's and graphics within CNY Photo Gift's is private property of CNY Photo Gift's and any re-production without the written consent of CNY Photo Gift's is a infringement of United States Copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law !
* Person known as buyer agrees that any purchases made on this site are of their own free will and understand that NO RETURNS are accepted for items sold.
* Buyer agrees that any credit card / PayPal information given is their info and not that of another person.
* Buyer understands that there is up to 14 days to complete this transaction in full which includes payment received and product delivered.
* Buyer agrees not to email sexually explicit photos for reproduction and further uderstands that such photos for products that are sent to us will be refused. With that being said , we will however do tastefully posed nude gifts.
* Buyer agrees that any photos sent to us are their own property and not licensed to another company , owned by another person , or illegal in any manner.
* CNY Photo Gift's agrees and has made buyer aware on this site , specifically in this section and the FAQ section , that once product has been delivered , photo will be deleted and that should they want to order a NEW product using a same photo , that they will have to RESEND the photo again.